The commonly used single loop, which supports only a single pulley, has been studied, and no/very little difference in support was found between taped fingers and just fingers. We mention it below but don't recommend it.
Use rigid tape not flexible tape, as this offers the most support.
Don't over tighten the tape as you don't want to cut off circulation. Take off a length of tape prior to taping to help prevent over tightening.
Three Main Ways to Tape Your Fingers For Climbing.
Single Loop or Ring
This is Just for show, and offers NO or very little support we cant recommend this type of taping to anyone, unless your trying to protect your skin / have a dreaded flapper.

Figure 8 or X Method

- Wrap around once just below the joint, cross the tape over the joint.
- Wrap around above the joint twice.
- Cross over the joint again forming a cross, finish with the end of the tape on the top of the finger.
H Method

- Cut the tape to form a H.
- Place on the inside of your finger & wrap the tape arms around finger joint.
- Your tape should look like this, make sure it doesn't cut any circulation off.